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Vision and Mission

To develop a creative project from initial concept to multiple artistic branches, through organic processes and get the best results.

To cultivate new thought and utopian visionary ideas.

To help artists achieve their goals. 

To pitch with the best.

Thank you for visiting TAT Productions. Founded in 2014 at the onset of a long creative journey into writing and making films which later included publishing and digital marketing.


 When the desire and urge to create takes over, one has to obey the call of the muse. But developing projects beyond the initial phase of production, even after premiering a movie, takes more than creativity. It takes expertise, and that's expensive. 


 It costs time to learn and practice. It takes vision and courage.


So when you've been a teacher for 20 years who secretly dreamed of writing books one day until that day burst out of the seams of time and you took the plunge into infinity, well, you just have to adapt and keep going with the flow as that day manifests.


Along the way...learned so much and practiced


  • SEO content writing services, for one. Wrote copy on all kinds of commercial topics ranging from moving to acupuncture.  


  • To become a published author in digital and print-on-demand formats without paying was the best I could do, but then there was promoting and selling. Helped others become published authors and felt empowered as a publisher to learn distribution.


  • To sell books, moving pictures, art, is what this capitalist system is all about. Without sales utopia cannot find its ears and eyes and minds.  Affiliate marketing has its promising hope. 


Would you like to write a book, publish it in multiple formats and languages, create your brand's strategic communication action plan, and apply digital marketing strategies to reach your audience? 


That's what it's all about for TAT productions. Get in the boat navigate the waters of the web wearing your finest plumage. 


  • want to write your memoirs 

  • have a self-help book in mind

  • what about a sci-fi one

  • historical fiction, you name it 

Have a screenplay idea to write and pitch? Get a professional script coverage before submitting to pitch fests and protect your rights.  

  • adaptations

Schedule your scripts with Movie Magic here. 


Let us write and review your YA and children's books. Want to write your memoirs?

Yes, we do all that here and more, we translate anything, blog, and create any type of textual content. 


To film again is the goal, to complete at least one project and get a distribution deal.  So, on the trail, there are choices. The path opens up and the horizon is in sight.​


T.A. Terga​

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