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A view of a street in Cuba.


by Jose Arias Diaz (Author), ANGELA TERGA (Editor) 

Category: Non-Fiction

DÉCIMAS, FRUTO DE LA INSPIRACIÓN, es un libro de composiciones poéticas escrito por JOSÉ DE J. ARIAS DÍAZ, ingeniero de computación de la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. Las décimas son composiciones poéticas escritas en una estrofa de diez versos creada por Vicente Espinel (Madrid 1550-1624). La décima es un elemento cultural importante del folclore de latinoamerica, y en particular, Cuba. En su lenguaje queda plasmado el costumbrismo y los sentimientos trascendentes por generaciones de cubanos en forma literaria y oral. A décima is a ten-line stanza of poetry also found in song form. Created by Vicente Espinel, a Spanish writer and musician of the 1500s. The décima deals with themes ranging from philosophical to comedic and can be found in the folklore of most Latin American countries and Spain.

The Cuban map and a field of tobacco and a view of cuban street

Décimas | Tenths Cuban Poetry: Fruit of My Inspiration

by José de J. Arias Díaz (Author), Teresita Terga (Translator)

Category: Non-Fiction

Décimas Tenths Cuban Poetry is a heartfelt collection by José de J. Arias Díaz, celebrating the traditional décima form. This bilingual edition showcases the beauty of Cuban culture, history, and landscapes through lyrical poetry. From nostalgic memories of hometowns to tributes to love and family, this book connects deeply with readers. Immerse yourself in Cuban artistry and share the legacy of a timeless poetic tradition.

read about a good mother

My Cousin Leonor: An Extraordinary Woman

by Dr. Ismael Santos Cabrera (Author), Angela Terga (Editor) 

Category: Non-Fiction

In My Cousin Leonor, renowned psychoanalyst Dr. Ismael Santos delves into the enigmatic personality of Doña Leonor Pérez Cabrera, the mother of José Martí, Cuba’s revered hero and the father of its independence movement. Through an intimate and meticulous analysis of Doña Leonor’s personal letters—sent over decades to the Governor of Cuba and to her son—Dr. Santos reconstructs the emotional and psychological world of a woman whose steadfast character shaped her son’s revolutionary legacy. These letters, brimming with maternal devotion, political undertones, and personal reflections, reveal a complex interplay of love, duty, and resilience. Doña Leonor emerges as both a fiercely protective mother and an unwilling witness to her son’s relentless fight for Cuba’s liberation—a struggle that would ultimately claim his life. Dr. Santos weaves psychoanalysis with historical context, offering a vivid portrait of a mother’s quiet strength amid the turbulence of colonial Cuba. With careful attention to her linguistic nuances and the emotional depth of her correspondence, the author uncovers the fears, hopes, and sacrifices of a woman who lived in the shadow of revolution but whose influence on Martí was profound. Translated into English by T.A. Terga, this work brings Doña Leonor’s voice to life for a broader audience, casting a fresh light on her pivotal yet often overlooked role in Cuban history. Mi Prima Leonor is a poignant and enlightening exploration of motherhood, identity, and the intimate bonds that shaped one of Latin America’s greatest leaders. This text pays tribute to Doña Leonor Pérez Cabrera, the mother of José Martí, the hero of Cuban independence. The relationship between mother and son, marked by sacrifice and separation, is captured in the letters Doña Leonor wrote to her son during the long years of separation that would last a lifetime. At the same time, he endured first imprisonment, then exile for his ideals of freedom at seventeen. Through these letters, she not only gave him advice and comfort but also firmly reproached him when he took too long to respond, revealing the deep pain of a mother who watched her only son risk his life for a greater cause. Despite the suffering of losing her son to the fight for independence, Doña Leonor remained strong and dedicated to her family, embodying a feminist of her time. Of Canary Island origin, she was a tireless woman who faced adversity with courage, outliving most of her children, except for one daughter who stayed by her side during the difficult times they endured. Dr. Ismael Santos Cabrera’s book gives us the opportunity to learn about Martí’s intimate family life through his mother’s letters, allowing readers to empathize with the sacrifice of a devoted and admirable mother. Thanks to this work, we can better appreciate and understand the legacy of Doña Leonor and her unwavering maternal love. This book is a valuable tribute not only to Martí but also to the figure of a mother who gave everything for her children and her homeland.

keywords for peace


Category: Non-Fiction

This book offers a holistic approach to understanding and embodying the concept by breaking peace into fifteen actionable principles. It doesn’t just define peace but shows you how to live it. Inspiring and Practical Path to Peace combines uplifting stories with tangible exercises, making it inspirational and practical. Whether you want to improve your emotional well-being or positively impact the world, this book provides the tools. Universal Relevance This book's themes resonate across cultures, belief systems, and personal experiences. It’s a must-read for anyone who values personal growth, social harmony, or both. Empowers Self and Community The book emphasizes the ripple effect of peace—how cultivating it within oneself can inspire peace in families, workplaces, and communities. Timely and Necessary In today’s world, filled with division and conflict, Path to Peace serves as a much-needed guide to building bridges and fostering understanding. Discover the transformative power of awareness and mindfulness in Path Peace, a groundbreaking guide to cultivating peace within yourself and your world. Through fifteen carefully chosen keywords, this book illuminates a path to self-discovery, emotional balance, and harmonious living. Be inspired by carefully chosen quotes from the greatest thinkers and personalities. Each keyword serves as a stepping stone to deepening one's understanding of one's attitudes, sentiments, and behaviours. Path Peace provides practical insights and exercises that empower one to create a more peaceful existence, from learning to let go of negativity to embracing gratitude, compassion, and resilience. With gentle guidance, this book helps you: • Develop self-awareness and emotional clarity. • Cultivate mindfulness in daily interactions. • Transform negative thought patterns into opportunities for growth. • Create meaningful connections with others through empathy and understanding. Path to Peace is a transformative guide to finding inner tranquillity and fostering harmony in a chaotic world. Anchored by fifteen essential keywords—Love, Harmony, Gratitude, Understanding, Dialogue, Equity, Self-Control, Humility, Justice, Forgiveness, Responsibility, Respect, Solidarity, Tolerance, and Compassion—this book provides a roadmap for cultivating peace within ourselves and our communities. Whether new to mindfulness or seeking to refine your practice, Path Peace offers a profound and accessible approach to achieving inner serenity and spreading peace to the world around you.

keep track of time with this weekly planner

Keywords For Peace: 2025 WEEKLY JOURNAL

by Teresita A Terga (Author), DR. ISMAEL SANTOS MD (Contributor)

Category: Non-Fiction

Weekly Peace Journal and Meditations: A Guided Journey to Inner Harmony Discover the transformative power of reflection, meditation, and planning with the Weekly Peace Journal and Meditations. This thoughtfully designed journal combines practical tools and inspirational wisdom to guide you on a journey toward balance, clarity, and peace. What You’ll Find Inside • Fifteen Peace Keywords: Unlock serenity with key concepts like mindfulness, gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, and harmony. Each keyword is accompanied by insights to inspire your week. • Famous Quotes to Meditate On: Reflect on timeless wisdom from icons like Gandhi, Buddha, and Rumi to ground your thoughts and energize your spirit. • “Peace begins with a smile.” — Mother Teresa • “You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” — Eckhart Tolle • 2025 Calendar: Stay organized with a beautifully integrated calendar that ensures you never miss a date while you stay connected to your goals. • Week-by-Week To-Do Planner: A functional space to manage tasks, priorities, and weekly goals, bridging productivity and mindfulness. • Personal Reflection Pages: Dedicate time to your inner world with weekly sections to jot down thoughts, meditations, or intentions. Why This Journal? This journal is more than a planner—it’s your weekly sanctuary. Whether you’re seeking calm amidst a busy schedule or pursuing a deeper connection to your inner self, the Weekly Peace Journal and Meditations offers the tools and inspiration you need to live intentionally and gracefully. Key Features: • Portable and stylish design perfect for daily use. • High-quality, easy-to-write-on pages. • Guided structure to inspire thoughtful reflection and peaceful living. Embrace the gift of peace, week by week. Start your journey to a more centered and meaningful life with the Weekly Peace Journal and Meditations. I appreciate your support. By purchasing Peace Journal Meditations, you are helping Conscious Arts Media Productions, CAMP, A 501C3 NP that supports conscious art projects meet their fundraising goals and stimulate the growth of an artist.We hope this journal helps you meditate on these fifteen words through all 52 weeks and 12 months of the year 2025. Please leave us a review. Yours truly, Angela Terga Director Director

keywords for peace in spanish

Palabras Clave Para La Paz: No hay paz sin perdón. (Spanish Edition)

by Dr. Ismael Santos (Author), Teresita Terga (Editor)

Category: Non-Fiction

La paz es un estado psicológico que se logra con la aplicación diaria de pensamientos, palabras, y actitudes realizadas con amor, alegría, perdón, y esperanza. Si tenemos la intención de crear un mundo pacífico dentro de nosotros mismos y con las personas que nos rodean tanto en el trabajo como en la casa, con nuestros compañeros, vecinos y familiares, debemos prestar atención a lo que pensamos y como nos expresamos, cómo juzgamos a los demás y a nosotros mismos. El Dr. Ismael Santos ha tenido una larga práctica como psiquiatra en la cual ha ayudado a decenas de pacientes y familias a encontrar soluciones pacíficas y a vivir en armonía. También ha sido profesor y conferenciante de la universidad Granma en Cuba y es miembro del organismo mundial sobre la paz. Aunque no siempre opinemos igual, la paz es posible cuando aplicamos los principios aquí narrados en este corto libro que lo hará reflexionar sobre su propia actitud sobre la paz. Pero sobre todo, el Dr. Santos desea que tengamos presente lo siguiente: "NO HAY PAZ SIN PERDÓN"

an exellent character

Mi Prima Leonor: Una mujer excepcional (Spanish Edition)

by Dr. Ismael Santos Cabrera (Author), Angela Terga (Editor)

Category: Non-Fiction

Doña Leonor Perez Cabrera es la madre cubana de origen isleño quien en el Siglo XIX le ofrendó al pueblo cubano la fortaleza intelectual y moral de su hijo José Martí Perez, a regañadientes. Éste, a pesar de hacer su rebeldía contra la autoridad real pública y sufrir sus consecuencias desde muy joven, se convirtió finalmente en símbolo de la nación naciente que engendró desde el exilio. Todo esto lo hizo a través de medios de comunicación como la carta, la prensa, y el discurso público. Estos fueron los mismos medios que utilizó su abnegada madre al dirigirse al gobernador de la isla de cuba y su magistrado por correspondencia en su sufrimiento. En vez de llorar escribió, después lloró y se secó las lagrimas para nadie viera su antojo. En este libre leemos directamente de su puño y letra cual fuera su estado anímico. No fue ésta un entrega a gusto suyo. Si por ella hubiese sido, su hijo no seguiría sacrificandose por eso de la revolución y tomaría su lugar como cabeza de la familia Martí Perez en La Habana, en vez de ser Doña Leonor quien le diera cara a todo. Su marido en la tercera edad, ya senil, sus hijas en edad de matrimonio, las finanzas del hogar, el mantenimiento de la viviendo, y la salud—todo. Ella no lo sabía y posiblemente no lo aceptaría, pero fue una feminista fuera de su tiempo. En la actualidad, millones de mujeres somos cabeza de familia y somos y mantenemos la familia unificada. Igualmente, utilizamos los medios de comunicación disponibles. La correspondencia es el medio preferido de comunicación de todas las épocas pues no importa si lo hemos logrado en segundos, por texto, con imagen o video, nos estamos enviando y contestando señales. Doña Leonor, por carta, pudo hacerle ver a los mas altos gobernantes y magistrados de la Habana, en un idioma aunque correcto y directo, cuan despiadado seria robarle a un niño su derecho a la educación y dejar abandonados a su familia de 5 hermanas y un padre anciano, por solo haber compartido una idea en una hoja de papel. Por la libertad de su único hijo varón, redactó varias cartas a los gobernantes de la colonia española en Cuba y se mantuvo en comunicación con su hijo (Jose Martí, mártir de la revolución de independencia de Cuba contra los españoles) a lo largo de su destierro por el mundo. En sus cartas le da cuentas del desenvolvimiento de la familia al enfermar su esposo y tener que darle frente a todo con varias hijas solteras en el hogar. Fue una mujer de excepcional rendimiento que sobrevivió los duros tiempos y el sufrimiento que le tocó vivir en su larga vida de madre. En sus epístolas nos encontramos con la vida familiar intima de su familia con José (Pepe) Martí. Al darnos damos cuenta del gran sacrifico que conlleva la lucha por conseguir el cambio de una sociedad oprimida por ser libre, nos sentimos unidos en sentimiento con esta madre tan dedicada que lo da todo por su familia. El autor, Dr. Ismael Santos Cabrera, probable descendiente de esta mujer extraordinaria, nos brinda en su libro "Doña Leonor, Una mujer excepcional", la gracia de poderla conocer y admirar a través de su propio puño y letra.

Jose Marti theLeonor is the mother of the heroe of the Cuban War of Independence and poet,

Mi Prima Leonor: Una mujer extraordinaria (Spanish Edition)

Category: Non-Fiction

Doña Leonor Perez Cabrera escribe las cartas de una madre sufrida a su hijo, Jose Martí, quien fuera encarcelado desde los 15 años "por escribir tres palabras a un compañero de clases" (suplica la madre al magistrado). La verdad es que su hijo, el héroe de la independencia, Jose Martí, no era mas que un niño cuando comenzó su larga trayectoria de insurgente que todos sabemos culminó en su muerte. A través del presidio y del exilio, su madre siempre se mantuvo junto a él por cartas ofreciéndole sus consejos y reclamándole por no escribir mas a menudo. Fue un sufrimiento muy extenuante para esta madre perder a su único hijo por la causa de la independencia. Sin embargo, esta dama, sin saberlo, es una de las feministas de su era; de origen canario, luchó incansablemente toda su vida por todos los suyos y se mantuvo firme hasta el final, sobreviviendo a todas sus hijas e hijo menos una hija que sobrevivió junto a su madre los duros tiempos que les tocó vivir. En sus cartas se revela la vida íntima familiar de Martí y se aprende a tener compasión por los que luchan tanto por conseguir el cambio de una sociedad oprimida por un ideal de libertad. También nos sentimos unidos en sentimiento con esta madre tan dedicada que lo da todo por su familia. El autor, Dr. Ismael Santos Cabrera es probable descendiente de esta mujer excepcional y nos ha dado la gracia de poderla conocer íntimamente y comprender y admirar a través de su propia letra y puño. Gracias Doctor por este lindo libro dedicado a la madre del héroe cubano más reconocido del mundo.

write a novel with angelaterga

How to Write a Novel : The Holistic Way

by Teresita A Terga (Author) 

Category: Non-Fiction

Writing a novel is not as hard as you might think. You can break it up into chapters after you write a short story. You can create notes as you go, you can start in the middle, or in the end. You're the conductor. It's in your hands to shape the clay of your imagination. But in this book you will get a simple organic storytelling telling plan that writing teachers use with reluctant writers with blockages. It all starts with a simple tale. That tale can be broken up into characters, settings, problems, goals, obstacles, and outcomes after taking action. Like a map, your story takes shape. Then you have others read it and their feedback gives you more ideas. You edit, polish, rewrite, and finally say, "I'm done."

copyright law for writers

Copyright Law For Writers: What writers need to know about Copyright Law.

by Teresita Angela Terga (Author)

Category: Non-Fiction

Every writer who wants a successful freelance writing career knows it pays to know your rights, ask for what you deserve, and know how to get full pay. Watch out! Don't get burnt. Once you submit a draft and before a revision, there should be payment and a new charge. Don't continue working on the "project" unless the contractor pays upfront for the draft and upfront for the revision. They may use any excuse to make you think your work is not good enough after you submit the first draft. They will strip you of the last payment for the revision, which completes the first draft. That's just a screenplay deal. When you create intellectual property you need to know your rights. And if you are a work for hire you need to know your rights and be able to prevent getting burnt.

turn into a spider andthen turn back into a human

Spider Trivia Legend and Games: BY SPIDERWOMAN TAHARAI

Category: Non-Fiction

Love spiders? Spider Trivia Activity Book and Games for ages 13+ will give you a taste of spider facts with fun and easy going Crossword puzzles, word search, mazes, and coloring pages. Remember boastful Aracne and wise Anansi? Get a little taste of spider myths. Meet Taharai, the Amazon's spider woman legend.We hop for your enjoyment of this activity book. It sets the stage for a future comic book based on spider lore and spider facts..

spiderwoman is a real ghybrid

SpiderWoman: Taharai, an Amazon Legend

by T. Terga (Author), Luis Prado (Illustrator) 

Category: Fiction

After the ecotombe, survivors of the holocaust of humanity strive to rebuild society based on the principles of Shambhala. In their neosociety there is no punishment or authority, only respect for the elderly and compassion for all as they progress into the third generation. In the evenings, during camp act, they tell the story of Taharai a spiderwoman of unequal characteristics who wreaked havoc in the cities of the modern world guided by Ana, a Green Peace activist turned terrorist. Taharai lived placidly in her Amazonian home behind a tall cascade with a series of caves encrusted with semiprecious slabs of amethyst and rose quartz. Her only link to the civilized world was Alan, a gold miner and farmer of the Amazon, who rendezvous with Ana at Juma Ecolodge. When Ana discovers the fabulous hunting ritual of her hostess, she publishes pictures of the nightcrawler in a scientific journal of ill repute Dr. Stephen Lindenburg, a megalomaniac geneticist, subscribes to. Dr. Lindenburg and his sidekick, Dr. Mario Seneti, set out to capture, study, and isolate the gene of mutation present in Taharai, envisioning a neo-Atlantis society in which one can choose any type of hybridization. But the now terrified and cornered Spiderwoman escapes their lab to survive according to her natural instincts, including hunting. Once in Ana's custody, her transformation into a conscious woman takes place, but not before she is used by her confused protector to perform acts of terrorism against the evils of the modern world alerting FBI and other law enforcement agencies of her whereabouts.

Building a new society takes courage.

Utopia: Spiderwoman Taharai: An Amazon Legend 

by Teresita Terga (Author) 

Category: Fiction

Utopia invites humanity to examine the plausible consequences of modern society's presets. If we imagine having to reset our foundations, under what principles would you build a neoworld? The survivors of the holocaust of humanity after the ecotomb ponder and learn from the seer's stories during camp act: Taharai, a legendary hybrid woman from the Amazon looks to survive and control her instincts. While scientists and authorities hunt her down, the dregs of society help her up and she becomes a hero for the underdog.

Legends from the future when the world reboots.

Legends of the Future: Spiderwoman Taharai: An Amazon Legend

by Teresita Terga (Author)

Category: Fiction

Legends of the Future tells the story of mankind in the future when rebuilding civilization is based on the principles of Shambhala and the survivors of the Holocaust of Humanity in their third generation tell stories around their Lar, or hearth through a seer's third eye. One of such stories takes us to modern day times where a hybrid from the rainforest wreaks havoc on her quest to overcome her instinct and mate.

a poetry book at the beach


by Teresita Terga (Author)

Category: Non-Fiction

Sandcastles is a collection of poems from 1978 to present day, 2017. In this journey, many have been my tribulations, visions, and dreams. Being aware and free to think, write, feel, and write along the way has been a blessing. It is the space between intuition and perception that is expressed in these poems first when I was a young adult and later on as during middle age. In between there was nothing coming out, but when I found myself again, the words and verses spilled out like a fountain of visions.

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