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Hire A Professional Writing Coach

Welcome to TAT Productions! Angela Terga

 A creative writing coach can guide your writing endeavors to help you get from idea to finished product and to help you develop the writing skills for work, study, or creative purpose that can put you over the top at school and work, or for creative purposes.

Helping writers of all ages achieve writing goals, become published authors and accomplished writers brings great joy to a personal writing coach.

A writing coach helps writers become accomplished authors and storytellers. 

What can a writing coach service do for you?

  1. Present your skills and abilities more succinctly and effectively.

  2. Help you learn to express your feeling and ideas coherently.

  3.  Prepare a document for publishing.

  4. Write a short story.

  5. Write an essay.

  6. Write a speech.

  7. Write an article.

  8. Write a blog.

  9. Write a fiction book.

  10. Write a non fiction book. 

  11. Write a cover letter.

  12. Write a summary.

Ask for our rate card. We can help you overcome your writing obstacles. 

Whether you are looking for a

  • business writing coach,

  • a novel writing coach, or

  • an academic writing coach,                                                                                                                                                             the best writing coach is one who can help your writing take off. 

From concept creation to finished product, a professional writing coach will guide you step by step so you can achieve your writing and publishing goals.

Seasoned teacher of writing and author, Angela Terga, has been helping students of all ages and backgrounds write their ideas, thoughts, and feelings the way they want to into a format of their choice.

Helping you write coherently and in specific idiom for a given purpose in a creative way of your own. So, if your readers can figure out what you are trying to say, your writing will be for both you and the reader.  Way to go! You have an audience!

Whether you are writing your memoirs or a life-long compilation of poems, it takes a journey to accomplish the end product.

There is a storyteller in everyone, when we let a story mature and develop, we can control the writer's voice, and that's when we become authors.

We are born with the need to communicate, and writing is the gateway to sharing. Its healing powers transcend our time-place reality.

The world needs to hear what you have to say in stories of healing and hope that shape our reality. 

Maybe you want to write a novel or a screenplay, an inspirational self-help or a how-to book. 

Do you want to leave behind the legacy of who you are and what you have learned on this earth, the biography of a loved one, or dear family history that will last forever in a book? Imagine writing and publishing your memoirs. 

Perhaps you are looking to write a thesis or business articles.  Whether fiction or non fiction, Tat Productions at can help you master the writer in you.

What can a Writing Coach online do for you?

Writing coach services include helping you 

1. get rid of writer's block

2. organize your ideas 

3. structure your writing by genre and format

4. edit and proofread your work as you go

5. define your voice and tone

6. improve your readability

7. create and follow your own style

8. practice your writing ability

9. provide feedback 

10. provide writing mastery practices


There are four steps in the process that every writer must follow:

Step 1 - Visualize what you want. What  genre is your product and what is the content?

Step 2- Plan your end product. How are you going to structure your writing? How will you speak to your audience?  

Step 3 - Write and rewrite. This process includes editing and proofing. 

Step 4 - Publish.  What publishing method will you use?

You and your personal writing coach will create the blueprint for your end product together. Do not hesitate to contact Angela Terga with any question about writing you may have. Whether you are a senior citizen wanting to write your first book or a child author to be, whether fiction or non fiction, we listen to your needs and goals. 

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