When you think of children's books, you usually don't think of children writers. True, most authors of children's books are adults. But when you come across a book written by a child it's extra special. We have a couple of lists of authors that started out in their teens and even younger. The benefits of writing to learn and writing to read have been well documented in research archives throughout the history of pedagogy.

Give a child the gift of authorship. It will have a lifelong imprint in that child's life. Foster a child's appreciation for writing to learn, to entertain, and share.
Among the best known child authors is Anne Frank, the most memorable true story of all. But did you know there have been child authors as young as 8 discovered posthumously? Many young writers of fiction and non-fiction were published in their teens some even younger.
Francois Sagan, teens novelist, author of Bonjour Tristese, published in 1954, still in print and making profits,
Anne Frank - She was 13 when she started writing in the diary. We are heartbroken at the end, published in 1947, Anne Frank is one of the most discussed books worldwide.
Alec Greven - NY timesBestselling author of non-fiction title "How to talk to girls" written at 9 years of age in 1989l The author has since created a series of How total to ....books that have made an imprint.
Daisy Ashford - 1919 - The Young Visitors, written at just 9 years of age, is a perfect example of juvenile innocence romance and intrigue.
John Kennedy Toole - he wrote the Neon Bible in his teens and later the Pulitzer winner A confederacy of Dunces.
Matthew Gregory Lewis - As early as 1796, The Monk, a gothic novel was published while in his teens, a convoluted horror story and a romance that's gone down in history.
Maureen Daly - published in 1942, the novel Seventeenth Summer, landmarked the first novel with a YA audience -
There are many more young authors. These for example are included in Goodread's list of young authors. Authors, S.E
If you are wanting to publish a young writer's short story pay a visit to the website below. This platform enriches children's lives with stories by kids for kids.
Encouraging Young Authors Article: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20193060 cited below will show you how writing is the gateway for learning. What we can write we can understand and express. Therefore, not only writers but speakers will gain the skills of a lifetime for a career in law, science, or entertainment. Writing has the ability to frame any discipline.
Graham, S., Kiuhara, S. A., & MacKay, M. (2020). The Effects of Writing on Learning in Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics: A Meta-Analysis. Review of Educational Research, 90(2), 179–226. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654320914744
Give your child the gift of authorship. Encourage their writing ability and help them gain the confidence they need to succeed in academia and life.

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