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The Coming of Age of Latinx Storytellers

Writer's picture: Teresita "Angela" TergaTeresita "Angela" Terga

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

Attending Latinx Storytellers Conference on 130 Mercer St NY, NY was an eye opener. Everybody who knows me knows my pursuits in the industry. They ask me if the conference met my expectations, and if it was worth the travel. The answer is yea, yes, yes. Actually, the conference exceeded my expectations.

I loved every minute of building community and learning from the experts, so I can't wait for next year's conference. I hope they include a marketplace to showcase our indie products, in addition to the manuscript consultations, and, also, please, have a charging station somewhere. Thank you!

at the New school auditorium
Latinx Storytellers Conference

The experience was phenomenal. I bow to their personnel for their skillful, seamless, and exquisite standards of work and conduct at the intersection between in-person communication pathways and interactive software. The WHOVA app was easy to navigate and actively participate from a digital presence. But in person, the experience multiplied to million times more excited.

Speakers and masterclass educators were all super talented know-how insiders to make us proud of rubbing shoulders with them. In this conference, our people's traditional character education demonstrates to the world that from our roots emanates the quality of our warm hellos (acogidas) and extended so-longs.

Through our stories and the way we choose to tell them, we bring generations of our people together at the forefront of society, proud contributors of artistic formidable works, of hard work and committment to excellence in storytelling.

We come together as One people and enhance our ethics, ethnic, and aesthetic life styles offering peace and compassion through our own diversity and inclusion.

Our voices generate content in myriad formats across genres. We have writers of scifi- drama- fantasy - poetry - children's - young adult - biographical - historical fiction - magic realism - adventure - academic - historical - mythological - memoir.

T. A. Terga, "Angela" attended the first conference of its kind in the world and made history along with nearly three hundred Latinx storytellers providing content and services in different capacities. Whether founder, agent, author, publisher, editor, or all the above at once, the Latinx Storytellers Conference was a great coming of age for the Latinx community of storytellers who write, illustrate, and why not, script as well.

In the Blog: "Memoirs of a Mad Teacher," author, ghostwriter, publisher, film producer, translator, and educator, tells visionary stories about her journey from teaching to writing and from rural to urban life and back throughout twenty two years in the south Florida bog at the junction between the aberration of nature and the wannabe metropolis, where the sugarcane fields around Big O extend beyond the horizon.

Who I am is who I become, I am that I am. I Find my purpose through writing, I believe I create awareness and give an identity to my characters pursuant to my visionary world.

a book of memopirs by esmeralda santiago from Puerto Rico
When I was Cuban, would be the title of my book of memoirs.

a book of memoirs by jaquira diaz
a book of memoirs is a transparency of courage

a book of memoirs by alejandra campoverdi
A story of detachment.

hearing from these brave women who gave us an identity beyond our limited capabilities in a world dominated by the status quo we do not belong to until we have passed the test of fire and this is it. we are coming of age thanks to the organizazers and agents and publishing groups that gave us a chance.

My manuscript consultation was very useful and informative. Ms. Aceves is very market savvy and right away knew that what I need is a creative nonfiction publisher leaning towards education. My book consists of the integration of social studies and science with the performing arts and a chapter book.

There are four kinds of reading in this innovative, integrated learning book I have titled many ways including Ricky the Rock. Ms. Aceves really nailed it, and I am so grateful for it. She was wise and kind, beautiful and exquisite in her intercommunication skills to purvey the insightfulness of the critique in a positive and enlightening perspective.

Now I know that Robbie is a middle school and beyond educational and entertaining four part book best categorized as creative nonfiction.

I believe both readers, parents, and the general public would find it very useful and practical to read a variety of formats and genres. We are not limiting ourselves here to fiction or non fiction but to a mixture of the two.

I found myself as a creative nonfiction writer, I also found myself as a poet, although I did not attend the lunch group meetup. Ultimately, I found my voice as a member of a growing community of voices that can manifest in as many ways as there are genres and styles and still be Latinx at core, if not in settings and languages.

Visit our nonprofit to learn more about our mission. We hope to bring awareness of our historical and cultural values to the world through stories that live in independence and stand up to the challenges of life.

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