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Writer's pictureTeresita "Angela" Terga

"Begin the Beguine" 2025

Updated: Jan 9

let 2025 be the year your dreams transform into reality

Conscious Arts Media Productions BEGIND THE NEW YEAR WITH A DANCE.

Join THE community of conscious artists transforming dreams into reality

To manifest, says the law of attraction, we must surrender to what is... Without resistance (anger, frustration, or disdain), for what we resist persists, WE ALLOW. When WE ALLOW our mind to see beyond our feelings, we will see the clues on the path. Our inner self, God within, our angel guides, and the voice of God will guide us to our star.

Have you ever felt frustrated and unable to see a way out until you stopped fretting over the situation and accepted it?

This is our New Year vision:

"In 2025, our plans continue to manifest as the good seed we've put into the fertile ground sprouts. We will continue to nurture it, and it will give fruit."

About the special song Title: Begin the Beguine

Begin the Beguine is a classic 1935 song by Cole Porter; its title translates to: Begin "the Dance," a Martinique style rhumba popular thought it very appropriate to celebrate the New Year as if we were to start a dance on New Year's Day! We chose the title for this blog, "Begin the Beguine", for a nostalgic reason. Angela's Dad loved this song, which was popular in Cuba in the 50s (my Dad's Cuba), sung by Nat King Cole.

Welcome to Angela Terga's creative blog, self-help, magic realism, poetry, and authorpreneur blog, which shares book recommendations based on the day's topic. Unlike AI, Angela is random and sequential, and I hope readers will appreciate a mistake here and there to show how human we are.

In this blog, we recommend books that will enrich your life positively. We would greatly appreciate your purchasing any books from the links submitted here. Your purchase will benefit Conscious Arts Media Productions, the non-profit organisation created by T. A. Terga. This organisation believes in helping conscious artists succeed in their discipline, contributing to world peace and individual enlightenment.

TAT Productions by Teresita A. Terga, aka Angela, is also the founder of Conscious Arts Media Productions. This 501c3 organisation raises awareness of the benefits of art in achieving peace and harmony within ourselves and throughout the world. We wish everyone a Positive, Peaceful, and Prosperous 2025!

Click here to find out what TAT Productions-Conscious Arts are up to in 2025 and help us publish more books and write more stories while we help other artists.

May we be worthy of having your blessings in 2025!

And if you're a dreamer, remember to block out the naysayers and conveyors of negative energy with your supercharged intention and faith.

Tune out the naysayers, tune into your courage, and take a bold step toward the passion-filled life you want.”- Oprah Winfrey.

I forgive you for any faults or mistakes I may have made, unaware of the negative consequences for myself and others. Forgiveness is the first step in the twelve-step program of AA. It helps to forgive, and as a special doctor in our publishing house says, "There is no Peace without Forgiveness."

Bless You All!

Now, we will talk to you as a friend of the arts, an artpreneur, an author, or simply a good human who believes in helping humans.

We do this to create, promote, and disseminate greater consciousness and awareness:

We at CAMP, working through TAT Productions,

  • ghostwrite books, blogs, articles, poetry, and screenplays

  • edit, revise, proof manuscripts

  • publish books of any format and genre. We also

  • write screenplays,

  • break the screenplays down and create schedules

  • budget films for any production.

  • Tutor Writing

  • Promote Writing as a Therapy

  • Market our products through copywriting, web pages, and social media presence.

Our non-profit organisation, Conscious Arts Media Productions, CAMP,, helps artists create, promote, and transform their works. To manifest their desires along their artist journey to a higher consciousness.

Our campaigns raise funds for signed artists who are guaranteed funds to and by the artist.

Working on transforming the old paradigm of the Starving Artist into a STARRING artist

At CAMP, we have a blueprint, a business plan, and a budget. We have been verified as a non-profit and hope you will help us work towards greater consciousness.

In the spirit of giving, we ask you to donate to Conscious Arts Media Productions (CAMP). We are here to answer the call for consciousness with inspiring stories and ideas. To see what we've been up to this past year and join our community of donors and

Our plans for 2025 include:

  • To continue doing what we know works best even better.

  • We have plans and strategies to launch a brilliant marketing campaign. It includes:

  • Blogging more frequently to keep our audience abreast of the best-selling authors in our niches, which include:

    • Book Recommendations of Books in diverse genres to start promoting our future digital store :

      Self-Help/New Thought

    • Magical Realism

    • Memoirs

    • Children's (Young And Young Adult)

  • to spend more time Querying and studying the industry.

  • to devote more time to Submissions and Pitches.

  • Writing and getting grants approved.

  • Start public speaking through podcasting, FB live, and other mediums. Other stream.

  • to adapt - utopia/spider woman.

  • to get beta readers groups.

  • to line up reviews and pre-sales.

Now that we have recapped the old and planned for the next, let's sing and dance the time away.




Begin the Beguine is a 1935 classic! The Beguine is a dance similar to a slow rhumba original of Guadalupe island in the Caribbean. This is my favorite version of Begin the Beguine, but not my dad's.

So, dance off the low vibes, for those who can't get to that Retreat or even attend a Dance Hall, getting your Alexa to play the right tune for you and dancing when no one is looking is always at our fingertips.

Once you get rid of the low vibes, you will leave space open for a higher frequency; if you intentionally call this into your reality, you will absorb more of it and leave the other behind. You can meditate, take long walks, or go on long hikes. This will allow your higher consciousness to feed your frontal lobe.

Affirmations to Play-along the path of success

Affirmations help us build awareness of the need to reach a higher vibration.

a book with affirmations for postive thinking
Transform your life with daily inspiration, affirmations, and meditations from A Year of Positive Thinking.

So whatever the last year's vibratory frequency brought, shake off the negative and take in the new. Without the negative charge of the past, you free yourself for what you really, really want.

a book about vibration frequency
Vibration Mindset was written specifically to help you transform your blockages so you can align with the version of you that is living your dream reality.

But do you know what you want? Why Should You dig deeper into your motives?

Your tastebuds and quirky mannerisms, whatever combination makes you, you, is already perfect. But is there a better version of your Self? Are you aware of your intent when you speak to others, when you listen, when you drive to work? Do you struggle on a daily basis or are you into a relaxed routine where you can find time for all your needs? Are you always trying to please others, or something?

a book about being yourself
An international bestseller and TikTok sensation with more than 10 million copies sold worldwide, The Courage to Be Disliked is a transformative and practical guide to personal happiness and self-fulfillment.

Now you can unlock your full potential and free yourself from the shackles of past traumas and societal expectations to find true personal happiness. Based on the theories of renowned psychologist Alfred Adler, this book guides you through the principles of self-forgiveness, self-care, and mind decluttering in a straightforward, easy-to-digest style that’s accessible to all.

Are you aware of your needs?

Get ready to dance, hike, swim, or paddle out all the low vibration from your body and psyche, and fill your heart with the blended beat of the new vibrational frequency you want to achieve and keep.

Just which one? There are so many energies to choose from! Think of the energy you desire to reach and try putting your needs before your wants to reach it.

What is the hierarchy of your needs and wants?

After discovering your needs and wants, list them in a hierarchy.

Know thyself

a book about moving energy.
What's a creator to do? Step up and swing the bat (not by controlling the variables) but by finding thoughts that move energ

how to USE awareness TO CREATE YOUR REALITY in 2025

To begin New Year 2025 on solid ground without first taking the score of 2024 would be like ignoring Readiness on a child's first day of school.

Within it, every revolution the Earth makes around the sun gives us a new start, a reset button in the School of Life.

Scoring the what, how, when, and why of your previous year, 2024, could start asking how aware you were of how 2024 was turning out at different stages of its construction. Did you follow a plan?

Was your plan skewed, lost, ignored, forgotten?

Was it too broad or too detailed? Was your plan plausible, probable, or likely?

"The whole use of this scale, the whole use of what we learn from it is merely to support the intention on the part of everyone here to move forward in consciousness and to fulfill the human potential."

Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. The uniqueness of his contribution to humanity comes from the advanced state of spiritual awareness known as " Enlightenment,"...

Every year, we build upon the previous one as we erect the edifice of our lives. But if we don't get an architect involved in the design of our next-level existence, we will build, and nothing will change. That is, assuming you want to grow as a whole person, not just in finances and romance.

If you want 2025 to be different from the previous one, you must lay its foundations on the solid ground of your consciousness. But for that to take effect you must become aware.

For awareness to develop into the fabric of your life, you must be Awake. Being awake, you will become mindful. Once mindful, awareness settles in AND YOU OVERCOME YOUR OWN OBSTACLES

Greater Awareness will translate into behavioural changes that can and will fulfil your life with the ingredients you are ready to receive, build upon, and release intentionally.

Awareness is more than a hip new-thought word thrown around the spectrum. Awareness prepares us for action, keeps us away from unnecessary reactions not aligned with our goals, and opens up the path for us to see further along.

Ask yourself, "Was I aware most of the time in 2024? What were the highest and lowest points of the year? What would I like to see differently in 2025? How can I manifest my dreams into reality?

In your inventory for the year 2024, give yourself an overall humanity check. Were you pointing fingers most of the time? How much time did you devote to introspection? How much empathy and compassion did you share?

Are these elements on your New Year's plate? Empathy, compassion, friendship, equanimity? Take a moment to pick out the things you will digest in 2025.

Are you willing to put in the work to achieve your goals? Will you enjoy the journey? How are you showing empathy and compassion?

Do you wish to receive empathy and compassion from the universe, from God, from your inner critic, and turn the feelings that hold you back around? Then get rid of the doubt!

The East and The West both have traditions of discarding the old and embracing the new on New Year's Day when the Earth makes a revolution around the sun. Around the Americas, North, South, and Central, we make New Year's resolutions.

We eat twelve grapes, attend Mass, go to parties, take retreats,

and perform rituals and ceremonies like Unity's Burning Bowl Ceremony.

Set your compass for the New Year where your heart and soul wishes to go. Bon voyage to all!

But first, let go of all that stands in the way of the things desired.

At Unity's burning bowl ritual, you can cast your burdens to the flames and renew your hopes with resolutions.

Submit your burning-bowl release and name what you DON'T want to bring along with you on 2025.

Geologically and astronomically speaking:

Around this time, the Earth completes a revolution around the sun and we move up the spiral of time, get older and hopefully happier.

The sun is a nonrenewable natural resource that is shrinking at a very slow rate. Here is another article from LiveScience warning us.

Our intent is to get rid of the unwanted and breathe new life into 2025.

Begin the Beguine is a very powerful song interpreted here by Ruben Blades at the Lincoln Center.

The word Beguine comes alludes to a white woman's body according to Wikipedia.

"Their choreography drawing heavily on flamenco dance?" I don't see it. Enjoy their flow.

Reflecting on 2024's tribulations seems like a good idea now that we are only 4 weeks away from starting a new revolution around the sun.

How far have we progressed towards our objective? What is holding us back? (Money is not an excuse.) Do look within for the truth.

When we get rid of excuses, we will start moving faster and faster, ripping through the dark like a shooting star, a meganova, a superwoman. 

Can you make inventory of 2024?

How far along have you come in the endless journey of a thousand miles, and which direction shows greater promise of success? What

Reflecting on the world, the nation, the culture, youtanks.r subculture, and the individual within your I am that I am, everything seems to come into one view: Consciousness.

Things do get more complicated when we look at the world

The world beyond our borders continues suffering from warfare. War beyond the US is a threat to all. War may not palpable and doesn't feel real to us in rural areas, but w can choose to create awareness of the need for peace, not just in one place but in every place where ther is war going on. I heard prayers for Israel and while I pray for Israel, I want to pray for Palestine's reality to change because we are all in this together.

Stop all wars. Stop killing. Stop the airstrikes. Do you have any feelings of empathy for the pain of so many innocent children, women, and men whose lives and livelihoods have been destroyed? Do you feel their angst?

How can we give them hope for a better tomorrow?

How can we create a more peaceful, equitable world? What is the answer to Peace?

While the answer to that question may be blowing in the wind, we believe that the answer lies in the Arts. Giving preference to the development of the Arts will achieve societal and brain transformation: A higher consciousness.

Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly Before they're forever banned? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the win

Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

Conscious Arts is the conceptualization of expression in a dialogue where respect underlies the terms.

If we paid more attention to real art of any kind, and if we shared and valued that artwork to create bridges of harmony, then art would be the answer to the prevention and the end of war.

But we do not know what that looks like because we have never tried it. Instead, we know the sound of missiles striking overhead on human beings, young, old, man, or woman, and their property.

Instead, we could have Art Malls where we receive artistic demonstrations and participate in creating art. Imagine a stroll through the Art Mall where we get to create a water color or take a drawing class, play the violin like an expert on a simulation game, and make a song.

As we share artistic expression across culture and geography from a young age, we learn to understand each other's world and become one with it. Then, as we grow, we can apply our understanding in different areas and cultures worldwide.

But there are cultures unwilling to accept others. If so, extend respect and accept them first. Allow them to express their motives and give them a seat at the table and the spotlight.

Through the arts...

We develop skills

Learn perseverance

Discover our talent

Meet our soul mates

Build friendships

Share common threads

Heal from trauma

Find a purpose

Imagine a world where everyone, I mean everyone, is born with a home, a caregiver, and a path to education and development all over the world.

It's your chance to have faith in Peace!

Give to the arts, conscious arts.


Author's Note:

We are not a commercial enterprise, but we are a business. We are skilled artists and creators. We recommend and share what we believe in.

As artists, we create with consciousness for a better world while challenging emotions.

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