how do we achieve a higher level of consciousness through Awareness?
The purpose of this post is to induce inquiry and create awareness of what our level of consciousness is, to help seekers of peace and harmony go within and reach Nirvana (Achieving nirvana is to make earthly feelings like suffering and desire disappear) in their current embodiment - For the benefit of all sentient beings and the collective good of the world. May we find peace and harmony in our lives together and apart! Love Yourself by loving others. We are one.
What is consciousness?
What awareness?
The video explores the nature of consciousness and how it shapes our lives.
Here are some key takeaways:
"Consciousness is how we think, live, believe, and react (0:13).
Our consciousness is shaped by time and evolution, not just our brains (0:56).
The content of our consciousness is often filled with negativity like poverty, anxiety, and fear (1:24).
This negative content leads to fragmented actions and a sense of division (2:01).
The video suggests that it is possible to dissolve pain and achieve a higher state of consciousness (2:21).
Likewise, there is Christ's consciousness.
What is Christ consciousness?
In other words, how can we evolve into a more peaceful world? It starts with us being a peaceful person. mother, daughter, sister, brother and friend to all living beings and Earth! A NATION IS A CONSCIENCE.
Have you considered how your level of consciousness dictates your well-being, present, and, consequently, your futurE AND THAT OF YOUR NATION?
Do you realize that the world's survival and peace is in the hands of a few nations? Their governance should reflect their people's judgement of right and wrong, of builder or destructor.
How can we realize that true happiness is not dependent on earthly riches or getting our way no matter what?
Peace in our hearts will cause riches to come. In other words, be happy first, and your dreams will follow. Love who you are now and do live with detachment. Life is a job, not who you are, be you earl, richman, or the pope. You are kind, loving, forgiving, tolerant, and understanding, or not. Don't be a Knot! Unravel yourself, relax, let go, surrender and know all is well. Faith! There is force that is greater that all of us in control. All we have to do is be at peace with our neighbor. He told us so.
We must sit down at the table of kindness, equity, love, harmony, and compassion, with our presumed enemies. Until we learn to do that, we will not be able to have peace on Earth. Until we learn to live by Christ and Buddha's example, we will not evolve into the superman, who we were before we fell to our ego.
There will continue to be wars, not because of religion or ideology, but because of resource dominance. Religion and ideology are just excuses. The real enemy is greed. Greed is founded on fear. Fear is founded on suspicion. It's anthropological.
We are no better as a species than our level of consciousness!
This humble book, written by Dr. Santos is a life-long study on Peace that lasted several years as he surveyed his students at the university asking them if they believed that peace was possible.
This humble book book gives us fifteen words and their descriptive history and psychology which we can apply in daily life and elevate our awarenss thus reach a higher level of consciousness in our daily lives.
Path to Peace emphasizes the ripple effect of peace—how cultivating it within oneself can inspire peace in families, workplaces, and communities. Timely and Necessary In today’s world, filled with division and conflict, Path to Peace serves as a much-needed guide to building bridges and fostering understanding. Discover the transformative power of awareness and mindfulness in Path Peace, a groundbreaking guide to cultivating peace within yourself and your world.
And here is science transcending the limits of the senses and concrete and daring beyond the confines of our imagination to see all that we are is a reflection of us like the moon. The light shines on us, and we live. Love. Die. Then we come back and do it all over again until we transcend this level of existence called samsara, which most of us never do. That is the pyramid of the soul. We are probably halfway through now in our civilization.
what is the science of consciousness?
CONSCIOUSNESS: the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world:
This and every end of a calendar year, earthlings will make promises, adopt resolutions, and devise the best plan for their intentions for the upcoming 365 days. But New Year resolutions may soon turn stale and end up forgotten amid the automaticity of daily life which we fall back into way too fast. Time passes, and in a decade, dreams and goals have nearly ceased to exist. Painful memories of broken promises to ourselves get pushed back even deeper into the unconscious mind, only to become reabsorbed into future manifestations of the same. Nothing changes.
Almost every week, every New Year, every new season, each time we feel the tug of the muse, our mind-body-soul connection may sit us down to write our “to-do list” for that week, year, life, and ultra self. I’ve created too many “to-do lists” and not just when it’s time to turn the calendar page year. My dreams and aspirations have remained nearly the same list after list, year after year, seasons in and seasons out. But no matter how often I reaffirm my life goals, they are not being materialized yet. So many sidetracks come around! And each one can be used as an excuse or an opportunity. Or do you know when to say no to your flings?
"But this end of the year is different," haven't we heard ourselves say that, too, many times? I've decided to shift from goals of what I want to achieve to WHO I want to BE because I WILL only have one wish, one goal, and one direction, WHICH has nothing to do with the phenomenal world's steps that I need to take to accomplish my life-long dream of becoming a popular author in my time.
Buddha and Christ, perhaps the two most pivotal figures in the history of humankind, each left behind a legacy of teachings and practices that have shaped the lives of billions of people over two millennia. If they were to meet on the road today, what would each think of the other's spiritual views and practices?
this author is a seeker of truth. a fellow thinker that asks the questions of what is consciousness and who am I ? where do I come from and where am I going?
Someone who will be able to help the world through stories. Someone who will not only entertain but also educate through stories. A level of story-telling that includes diversifications. The dream has been there from the start, and the goals are in motion, "about to score" (as always), "if only my consciousness were at a level or two higher!!! That's the key. Let me say this again. The goal is not to obtain a dream home or become a rich and famous author. The goal is to achieve a level of consciousness in which you will always feel accomplished and able to overpower your own obstacles.
That’s my take on this year’s resolution. If I climb the spiritual ladder of enlightenment, if my vision becomes unobstructed by delusions, and I focus on what makes a difference, then, because my body-mind-soul connection already has the blueprint (all those lists and the actions that followed), I can expand my reality to manifest the always present dream vision that keeps lurking in the shadows when I ignore it and makes me smile once upon a time which can help the world become a bit closer to enlightenment. Is it real? Do I hear the voice of doubt? Of course. It, too, is always there.
How are you planning to end the cycle of suffering in your life as of 2025 and beyond?
"In reality, all existence is consciousness. They are one, but they express themselves in different ways. Existence manifests as energy and matter. Consciousness is our unexpressed inner being. It represents all the higher/finer dimensions that manifest as our gross reality in the physical world."
Well, reflecting on 2024 and previous years in this life span, so far, I’d say the level of my consciousness has manifested in two hip replacement surgeries from July to September of 2020; 22 years in public education’s "prisons of the mind" schools where I believed to be helping children escape the automated curriculum through storytelling that heals and makes you feel alive (joy, responsibility, kindness, and acquire awareness); I have a few books self-published and my mind wrapped up around their success, to see the production of a film adaptation of one of the newage stories my soul creates. I also look at my closest family and the relationships we have created by default. I see a lot of good and more intentional work to be done for healing where needed.
"At the heart of Buddhism is a simple claim: The reason we suffer—and the reason we make other people suffer—is that we don’t see the world. A radical promise is at the heart of Buddhist meditative practice: We can learn to see the world, including ourselves, more clearly and gain a deep and morally valid happiness."
I intend for a new era of giving and receiving love to unfold throughout the rest of my time. Hope satisfies Faith. Faith is believing. Then, the universe did say to me when I was already bent over the keyboard, making up a storm and designing my own web,
"You can't do it all alone. Get people to help you." And that's precisely what I am doing. Hey, I never expected anyone else to do it all on their own, so why should I?
The next part comes to be the doubt. How are you going to pay for it? " Where there is will ...," you know the rest. Perhaps hope is CAMP, the new nonprofit for the arts, undoing the stigma of starving artists by proving independent artists can market themselves and reach an audience.
With Hope instead of doubt, we can put our trust in the hands of experts. "But we must stay vigilant," says doubt. "Please do," replies Hope. We can keep trekking in the fields of our imagination and let the wings of the concepts embedded in the vessel speak for themselves. Just watch how the universe guides the process; believe!
To steer and control the entire process of manifesting during a lifetime by being aware and actively involved instead of by default! Yet, we choose to think we cannot and do not have any say over our destiny. Constantly in motion, the elements of nature combine to formulate our human experience. How much are we in control?
Light particles tumble in. A drop of dew is formed. Our senses flood with stimuli, we hear the voices of the past, we react according to the code. We move to Litany. We act in response to the laws of physics. Cause and effect. To cut this process off is not easy. Change your thoughts! That is the only way. Pray, practice meditate, visualize.
First, watch them. Your thoughts, that's what. Then see what you want YOUR THOUGHTS to be. Thoughts CAN AND DO make you FEEL a certain way. Thinking the thoughts that will make you feel good as instantly as possible through your will, knowing we can choose our thoughts. Transform fear into acceptance, greed into acceptance, pain into acceptantce. No need to escape or hide. Look at your thoughts. Watch them go. Find one you like. Let it go, too. and in between thoughts, just be.