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Visionary Fiction Genre: UTOPIA by T. A. Terga

Updated: Aug 30, 2021

Visionary Fiction is coming of age. Writing Visionary fiction is New Age fiction and it can be supernatural and that makes it magical realism, especially if critiques society.

After the nuclear holocaust of humanity, while the Earth was in a nuclear freeze, many survivors escaped through underground tunnels to the center of the earth and from there, evacuated to the interior of a tepui (rocky structure found in the Amazon highlands) with oxygen exchange.

Instead of regurgitating society based on leadership and competition, the survivors of the nuclear apocalypse decided to create a neo-Shambhala where the only ruler was consciousness. Knowledge was with them and in the blueprint of this neo society.

While developing the powers of the mind (compassion, telepathy, and empathy) during the day, at night, the survivors gathered at camp act and tuned into Sabia, the elder. Through Sabia’s third eye, using telepathy, they entered the 4thdimension and vicariously participated in the exploits of a legendary spider woman who was captured by geneticists from the rainforest and became the underdog’s shero during modern times.

In this read you get to learn about the principles of neo-Shambhala and how the structure of this society allowed individual differences and ideas to flourish. Unlike any other dystopian or utopian book, the survivors of the holocaust of humanity after the ecocide were too smart to repeat the mistakes made by civilization. They chose not to fall victim of the trap that drove humanity into an endless state of warfare for power and goods by turning their attention inward and developing the powers of the mind.


To learn about the past, the Neo-Shambhalans tune into the 4th dimension, time, and revisit the modern world at night during Camp Act. Sabia, the oldest survivor, transports them to the modern world telepathically where they follow the exploits of Taharai, a legendary hybrid human.


The author wants to warn us of the apocalyptic threat that nuclear weapons represent and the importance of preserving the rainforests by bringing us face to face with it in a fictionalized account.

The survivors rebuilding society based on compassion and empathy is a picture that the author would like readers to form in their minds. You see, if we can picture it, we can create. Have we ever tried to teach peace, love, respect, and harmony? What happens when we do?

Another theme in this book is the natural hybridization of a human woman with venomous characteristics and the ability to weave beautiful webs and use a dragline like a spider.

But instead of the fake kind of spider woman created by Marvel, this is a naturally hybridized parahuman, a real first for mankind. Her silk glands are in her ovaries, and they produce two kinds of silk strands many times stronger than steel of the same width.

Taharai’s story starts with the Yanomami people who cast her out when she kills her brother by biting and injecting her poison in his blood. Once captured and brought to America, Taharai fights to escape and wreaks havoc becoming known as the cannibal that wears Prada. But when she’s hunted down like a wild beast, she meets Anna and she becomes socialized, somewh

About the author:

Utopia was first a short story about a hybrid being from the Amazon inspired by the need to create awareness of the importance of preserving the rainforests.

Utopia is also a movie and a screenplay. The movie was premiered as Spiderwoman but was never released because the author, who also produced it, wants to add the apocalyptic story into the plot for a TV series pilot, hoping to get the attention of new streaming services turned film producers, like Amazon. You can watch the short produced for a film school program here.

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