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Are we creating a future utopia or dystopia?

Writer's picture: Teresita "Angela" TergaTeresita "Angela" Terga

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Utopia is a state of action!

The Blog of Angela Terga

Writing & Publishing Services. Film Production Services. Ghostwriting. Writing/Publishing Coach. We help heroes become in the "digitalverse."

Thomas More coined the word utopia in 1516 with this political satire of a faraway island whose cities thrived, there was no private property and no money; adultery was punished by death and thieves were put to labor while farmed and took up a craft and found pleasure in exercising virtue and conscience. Thomas More was sentenced to death, not because of his utopian writings. He fell out of favor with Henry VIII over Catholicism.

I'm Angela Terga, author of Utopia, a series of short stories that begin after the nuclear apocalypse in which the reader gets to see what a utopian society might look like-a world of non compete. There is neither property nor commerce but there is engineering and But because human nature needs to stay balanced, the utopian join Sabia's channel telepathically and roam the cities of the modern world where they follow the saga of a hybridized human whose venomous nature makes her a target. Although the utopian society I instruct is like More's in some ways, it's even more far out. There is no rule and no ruler, no authority is necessary, and the powers of the mind are developed.

I don't think I can compare my knowledge of Plato (H.G. Wells) and British Law (Sir Thomas More) to these two magnificent authors who have influenced me greatly, especially H.G. Wells, but they can't compare their knowledge of the South American Continent, natural resources, native peoples, and settlement history, with mine.

Besides, my appreciation of eastern philosophy—the approach to my utopian thinking, is not their vision of utopia. They were sold on rules. Liberalism has allowed me to think of the law as natural - nature is the judge. In Utopia, a neo-shambhala flourished. This allowed the powers of the mind to develop and being able to use the power of the mind to thoughts perform work, developed.

Please visit my YouTube Channel to see the trailers and teasers of:

"Utopia" the Series, a book to screen project started in 2013 with the publication of a book and the premiere of a long short (42min). Now in preproduction, we are putting together a team of filmmakers to shoot the "Future" and interlace it throughout the story of Hybrid, the real spider woman from the Amazon verse.

The evolution of the short story Spiderwoman, developed into Spyderwoman because someone said I should differentiate the title to avoid a trademark lawsuit) the film premiered with that title in 2013. Since then, it has been rewritten and titled "Hybrid"— first episode of the series: "UTOPIA."

We are working hard on helping others publish and market their business through our writing, publishing, and production services and plan to use these funds for the production of content that matters and makes a difference to new age thought.

This is the first teaser! Spyderwoman, short (2012).

Spyderwoman is a story within a story. This film only contains the past in the story (our present or near future). survivors of the nuclear apocalypse created a neocivilization based on compassion in the only place left on earth where oxygen exchange was possible.

That may sound a lot different to you than the regular dualistic superhero hollywoodsy dysneic story. Instead this story is super realistic about who we are today through the power of telepathy. Our past, present, and future come together in this series called Utopia.

In this case, the Spider Woman is not a super hero but a super villain that survives using her cannibalistic instincts until she becomes a heroine for conservation.

However awesome this project seems, it is only the beginning of my formative years as a writer, publisher, producer, and director, film production is the promise behind curtains numbers 1-10, and hope to raise the funds to finish the production of the pilot and secure distribution. Voilá! So once my websites settle into the groove, filmmaking is the reward.

Please check out This website is made for audiences of all ages who read and watch magical realism, surrealism, inspirational biopics, historical fiction, all with a set of new age principles including UNITY-PEACE-COMPASSION-NONJUDGMENT-DIVERSITY-EQUALITY/EQUANIMITY a digital bookstore curated by T.A. Terga in the action of creating Utopia, a better world for all, by recommending books that meet the new age principles of peacemaking and compassion that the literature TAT PRODUCTIONS creates and publishes empowers the world with.

Publishing with TAT Productions

Explore the digital publishing and Print On Demand world of independent authors without spending a dime. Let TAT give you guidance and coach you in self-publishing. That's right, the formatting, designing, and editing of your manuscript layout and cover pages, including images and illustrations, at no cost. That's right, no upfront fees. WHEN YOU MAKE MONEY, we will.

By charging you a small percentage of your royalties once you are published, TAT productions will recover the hours of work dedicated to your manuscript. Formatting, Proofreading, Editing, Designing the cover, and Publishing with your input at no upfront cost to you.

Ghostwriting Services by TAT Productions

We want to listen to your story!

Ghostwriting requires a very special talent. This talent is LISTENING.

Listening is the single most important skill a person can develop in communications. Ask Dale Carnegie. His principles on becoming an influencer, which is the marketing strategy most used by new brands today.

Listening Well: The Art of Empathic Listening leads to understanding and facilitates communication.

From zero to Influencer in the next 6 months is a book with 349 ratings, see if they are bluffing. Do you know it may be more difficult to be a successful influencer if you are already knocking at the wrong doors? It's all about finding your audience, those that you identify yourself with and can take a real interest in.

Digital Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Writing Services

This book has 652 ratings, it's hard to get just one, costs a lot of money to get this many. If someone was willing to bet on this Stanford Professor creator of the SEO verse from inception to deception, it's a piece of truth, and I recommend it.

Writing SEO is STORYTELLING at its best! I thought it was going to be boring and non challenging to the creativity in me to write for transnational moving companies or state health insurance agencies, but instead, I learned copywriting is the most important skill a novelist can acquire. I'm still practicing this art form in which everything we write must never forget: the audience!

If you rely only on search engines like Google, Duck Duck Go, Yahoo, and all others to carry your message across and never share your blogs on social media, you are leaving so many, too many, almost all, doors unknocked. Social media is here to stay!

A Woman Owned Businesses—TAT Productions supports the storytelling and SEO copy needs of businesses and artists.

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  • Writing/Publishing coach

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