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Writer's pictureTeresita "Angela" Terga

Can You Keep Up With All the April Awareness Day/Week/Month Of?

Not me! Phew! The month of April boasts more than 100 Awareness Months, Days, and Weeks, making it difficult to select which ones to give attention to. You may end up distressed to see how much need there is in the world to be aware of. But have you ever asked yourself or wondered what you could do about it?

hands palnting trees
Arbor Day! Plan a Tree Today, any day, every day.

Newsletter, The Blog of Angela Terga from, April 18, 2023 aims to share books about April Awareness Days, Weeks, and Months as well as dig a little deeper into 3-5 special Awareness Days of April. This is another Episode of "Memoirs of a Mad, Sad, Badass Teacher"

Would you agree that Earth Day must be the Month of April's most popular Awareness issue or cause? Have you ever celebrated or observed Earth Day, Earth Week, or Earth Month? The entire month of April is the perfect time to serve the one and only "Our Mother Ship," Earth. Now more than ever before, we can show gratitude and loving kindness as we absorb the gift of Spring's splendor.

THE RAINFOREST ALLIANCE - visit the Rainforest Alliance for more information on my fundraiser. The goal is $500. Your commitment to a sustainable Earth begins with community actions such as making a donation. No amount is too big or small.

Consider donating to the Rainforest Alliance this April, Earth Day, or any time you feel grateful that someone is watching over the Earth to protect it and enhance the relationships between man and plants without extinguishing them or polluting them. This only makes sense when we realize we depend on them and that we take nature for granted.

The Raoinforest Alliance seal
Donate the Rainforest Alliance

The best memories of my teaching career are speckled with Earth Day events in the intermediate grades, of which the 4th and 5th in the 3-10 grades spectrum, were the majority. For kids at heart, Earth Day is the time to plant a seed and watch it grow, Nothing quite like planting trees together to see the miracle of life and creation at its fullest. Kids are responsive to experiential activities. Everyone wants to participate. it has been proven that experiential learning helps everyone learn better and apply multiple modes of intelligence and learning styles– a lot more than paper and pencil.

Book 1 - experiential learning and learning styles - Learning by doing

learning by doing book
The most popular book may not always be the best but it is at least worth trying.

I like the way ths bok includes THE COMMUNITY - IT TAKES A VILLAGE!

Outward Bound Center for Peacebuilding finds that the change needed for a more peaceful world starts with a better understanding of our connection to each other and the world. Experiential Peacebuilding offers peace educators, community leaders, teachers and organizations the theoretical background and the hands-on resources to bring interactive activities and new practices into their work

Experimental learning and compassion are society's only hope to OVERCOME VIOLENCE AND CRIME by educating the "whole" child. Once a buzzword in the teaching profession, Whole Language is an educational method that meets students at their instructional levels throughout ALL learning modes. Diverse and Multiple intellectual, emotional, and physical modalities of learning activate all the types of intelligence of an individual and a group. This includes the application of Bloom's Hierarchy of Needs from basic to Self Realization. Thus, Whole Language is the portal to achieve this through compassion and peacebuilding.

It means that we must take our children's dreams into account and stop cookie-cutting education. One does not fit all, but if all apply the spectrum of educational methodologies that develop the entire individual's ability and aptitude, our harvest will be happier, more harmonized individual and family groups.

The Whole Language approach will not flourish unless there are fundamental changes in the system's foundation as they implement dysfunctional curricula and administrative rules that jeopardize instead of promoting the whole being's ability to develop and reach self-realization.

If you have experienced moments of joy, as I did teaching in an outdoor classroom, how our own mini-farm behind the school made such a difference in student outlook and participation as I watched kids learn how to get along, how Earth makes food grow and how to help instead of damaging, how hard it is to keep the bugs away organically by being smarter than a bug, all by taking pride in our work as a team and as a contributor, then you know the meaning of education is to have a practical purpose, an immediate application, and a string of activities that arise from the observation and measurement of the elements of nature and their combination.

This whole language experience requires breaking down the whole into small bits and attaching all the learning styles and multiple intelligences to each hypothesis through action and reaction, observable and measurable activities that engage inquiry, and curiosity. Furthermore, they develop an understanding and ability to manipulate relationships between the elements being tested. The progression from preschool to real-life should be seamless.

Pre K-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide 4th Edition
4.9 out of 5 stars 56 ratings

environmental education activities book
This guide is filled with practical, hands-on activities for teachers, nonformal educators, and youth group leaders to connect children to nature and increase young people’s awareness and knowledge about their environment.

But this is rarely the case. Instead, a high percentage of these kids occupy one of the highest sources of employment in the USA, not as laborers but as inmates.

Book 2 - Earth Day Activities

One reason to revise a Month's Awareness Days might be out of curiosity or to learn something new. Better yet, you could contribute to spreading its awareness. In such case, you may want to take a look at the list below and pick 3-5 Awareness Days of Weeks that hit a tender spot in you,

Thinking of Nature: A mindfulness book for kids Kindle Edition
by Amy Mucci (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

Engaging illustrations and rhyming text make this a perfect gift for anyone who loves the outdoors. From the smell of the rain to the buzzing of bees, this book encourages readers to be mindful and curious as they discover the joys of outside. Discussion questions at the end of the book inspire children to further reflect on what nature means to them. Visit for fun nature-inspired activities, worksheets, and coloring pages.

Endangered and Extinct Trees have no special book written about them. That needs to change in the publishing market. Lots of endangered animals, but not enough talk about trees.

But Earth Day is no longer my favorite awareness. I would have to choose Arbor Day as April's most important Awareness Day. I feel and hug trees, hear their song inside my head, and watch them dance to their own tunes. Trees provide, produce, and enhance life on Earth.

Whether plant or animal, trees house and feed us all. Sadly, we've cut them down to create shelters, pyres, and crop fields from the beginning of time, yet, only now, we seem to be unable to sustain the fragile balance between need and nature. As need turns to greed, there is never enough wood to go around, and are not able to replenish what we take.

Book 3 Endangered and Extinct Trees

We've burnt and cleared the land of millions of acres to find precious metals and gems. So much have we taken from our Earth that we have caused the extinction of thousands of tree species. At the moment 17, 500 species of trees face extinction on Earth.

Author Gregory McNamee weaves a diverse and global account of the myths, cultures, and traditions that convey the long-standing symbiosis between trees and humans, and renowned ethnobotanist Wade Davis


Book 4 - How Trees Communicate

Through rich language highlighting the interconnectedness of forest ecosystems, the book offers fascinating insights about the fungal communication highway known as the “wood wide web,” the difficult life lessons learned in tree school, the hard-working natural cleanup crews that recycle dying trees, and much more.

a book about agroforestry
Coppice Agroforestry is a richly illustrated, comprehensive guide to resprout silviculture – managing trees and shrubs by coppicing, pollarding, shredding, and pleaching – for a continuous supply of small diameter polewood for products from firewood to fine furniture

Perhaps you know of someone who would benefit from the celebration or observance of one or more of April's awareness days. Feelings of altruism or helping a cause, as is the case Arbor Day, we elevate our compassion and increase our connection to the earth. Planting a tree can be a profound experience, do it with care.

One is baffled by so many issues in the world that month awareness days, weeks, and months attempt to bring to the public attention!

a book about trees in history
Did you know that the resin of the dragon tree was so prized that it was used and traded as medicine by the Roman Empire?

How do trees communicate book
a comprehensive encyclopedia providing the meanings, powers, facts, and folklore for over 400 types of trees.

However, these 3 are important to me.


Independent Bookstore Day celebration falls on on the last Saturday of April and is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. On April 29 the world of independent publishers, writers and boksellers will pay particular attention to all the independent bookstores around the U.S. and celebrate their unique contribution to the fabric of society.

Books constitute the thought foundation of our civilization needed to achieve industrialization and the space age, as well as most of man’s architecture and financial knowledge, Books have transformed over the past few decades, to the digital age, which now allows an infinite number of titles be to be accessible online. Whether we realixe it or not, books still have great importance and value.

From books, we learn all that history has recorded, and they will never be on the decline.

The rise of libraries across the ancient world led to the acquisition of books and private book collectors around the known world took pride in their librarie.

Book publishers and bookselling became a flourishing trade. Collectors would travel to exotic locations far and wide to secure rare and coveted tomes for their libraries.

During Rome's golden era, its elite society took great pride in hording prestigious collector's titles giving rise to the commercial book trade in Western civilization, The book business which started over 2,000 ago has allowed every citizen around the world to access books and a bookstore with titles available in almost any language.

Historically, only the most powerful members of society had access to books, but that changed with the advent of educational opportunities for all, and illiteracy rates dropped.

Over the millennia, bookstores have evolved in variety, shape, and form. However, at their core, a bookstore is a place where a wealth of knowledge lives. While the idea of a library has been around for thousands of years, a bookstore as we know it today is much more recent.

As an independent enterprise offering writing and production services, TAT Productions, through the Blog of Angela Terga and our new independent digital bookstore,, brings to the public's awareness relevant books and authors that inspire and shed light on Truth. Based on factual and intuitive knowledge of history and science, including metaphysics, and through conductors such as writers, these books are not only nonfiction and fiction, they are woke.

The bookstore by TAT Productions offers an awakening to compassion, empathy, and nonjudgmentalism through the power of literature, knowledge, and logic. Based on the history of mankind, religion separates us and makes us blindsided when we profess to know Truth without evidence and pragmatism. The reason why we are endowed with critical thinking skills and abilities is to search for Truth, although we may never quite grasp its entirety. Please, even when you are not willing to use your critical thinking tools, won't you be so kind as to let others use theirs? Thank you!

Woke and wokeism relate to the state of being awake to all sides of a story in a nonjudgmental way, weighing the fairness of it, and allowing a higher consciousness to broaden the scope according to the rules of humanity that allow us equal rights under the law. For a professional explanation of wokeism you may enjoy the blog post The Psychology of Wokeism by Michael Carso, P.H.D., J.D.

Here is another definition of Woke and wokeism: [transitive]wake something(literary or formal)to make somebody remember something or feel something again.

  • The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.

But not only self-improvement, metaphysical philosophy, and esoteric knowledge books will you find in digital bookstore. There is also fiction, lots of it. Especially, magic realism. Magic realism and sci-fi plus other fiction books such as historical fiction—my favorite to read enlighten us by expanding our reality. Besides, fiction books also contain a great deal of truth within.


Silence helps us get into the practice of mindfulness, which helps us meet the world serenely. It can reduce anxiety and calm racing thoughts. Mindfulness allows us to sit in the present moment. It also stimulates the brain.

Silence gives us the opportunity to observe our thoughts and feelings. As you become aware of your body and mind, you may find the compassion to understand your feelings without judgment.

by Thich Nhat Hanh | Jan 27, 2015

A book about the benefits of silence by Thich Nhat Hanh
A practical guide to understanding and developing our most powerful inner resource—silence—to help us find happiness, purpose, and peace.

The Cleveland Clinic proclaims an ode to silence benefits which include:

  • More profound thoughts.

  • Stronger relationships.

  • Increased creativity.

  • Improved communication skills.

Unbeknownst to many, there is a GLSEN Day of Silence to awaken the world to the sensitivity of LGBTQ silence. On this Day of Silence, registrants take a vow of silence and break the silence with a virtual rally to build momentum and show commitment to inclusiveness.

The silence that accompanied the LGBTQ community for generations is now a way to bring awareness to its own need for a voice and inclusion.

The Savvy Ally: A Guide for Becoming a Skilled LGBTQ+ Advocate Kindle Edition

by Jeannie Gainsburg (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

4.8 out of 5 stars 255 ratings

A book about how to be an ally of the LGNTQ
Becoming a Skilled LGBTQ+ Advocate is an enjoyable, humorous, encouraging, easy to understand guidebook for being an ally to the LGBTQ+ communities.

Lastly, this is a very sensitive topic, as one might expect. The culture of rape, sexual abuse, and the silence around it, is also one that deserves an awareness day. You might ask yourself, if this is now, how was it one hundred years ago when women were expected to remain quiet and well-behaved, were not allowed to own their lives or even a bank account, and remained silent about their needs for redemption during a lifetime would lead to depression.

Both men and women are victims of an assault at diverse times in their lives, such as during childhood, adolescence, in the military, at the workplace, on a college campus, in athletic organizations, the boy scouts and girl scouts, and just about any other place you can think of.

She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement Kindle Edition

by Jodi Kantor (Author), Megan Twohey (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

4.5 out of 5 stars

A book about sexual assault
a professional memoir that often reads as a riveting work of true crime, offer damning evidence for what is by now a familiar theme: a legal system that promises blindness and balance

A book about the history of the me too movement
Tarana didn’t always have the courage to say "me too."

Did you know that the Month of April is also:

  1. National Parks Week

  2. World Autism Acceptance Day

  3. Day of Silence

  4. Earth Day

  5. World Malaria Day

  6. Arbor Day

  7. Independent Bookstore Day

  8. Alcohol Awareness Month

  9. Arab American Heritage Month

  10. Autism Acceptance Month

  11. Cushing Disease Awareness Month

  12. Earth Month

  13. Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month

  14. Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month

  15. National Adopt-a-Greyhound Month

  16. National Cancer Control Month

  17. National Counseling and Awareness Month

  18. National Donate Life Month

  19. National Frog Month

  20. National Garden Month

  21. National Heartworm Awareness Month

  22. National Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Month

  23. Paralyzed Veterans Across America Month

  24. Parkinson’s Awareness Month

  25. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

  26. Sarcoidosis Awareness Month

  27. Sexual Assault Awareness Month

  28. Stress Awareness Month

  29. Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

  30. National Wildlife Week

  31. International Dark Sky Week

  32. National Parks Week

  33. Fashion Revolution Week

  34. National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week

  35. National Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Week

  36. Porphyria Awareness Week

  37. National Dog Bite Prevention Week

  38. Animal Cruelty / Human Violence Awareness Week

  39. National Minority Cancer Awareness Week

  40. National Volunteer Week

  41. Lab Animal Week

  42. Lesbian Visibility Week

  43. World Primary Immunodeficiency (PI) Week

  44. National Deaf LGBTQ+ Awareness Week

  45. Earth Week

  46. GLSEN Day of Silence

  47. World Aquatic Animal Day

  48. World Rat Day

  49. World Stray Animals Day

  50. Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Remembrance Day

  51. Bohring-Opitz Syndrome Awareness Day

  52. National Siamese Cat Day

  53. National Library Day

  54. International Beaver Day

  55. World Health Day

  56. National Alcohol Screening Day

  57. Zoo Lovers Day

  58. Pygmy Hippo Day

  59. Cushing Disease Awareness Day

  60. Teal Day (for Counselors)

  61. Day of Silence (for LGBTQ+ Youth)

  62. ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Day

  63. National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day

  64. Parkinson’s Disease International Awareness Day

  65. National Pet Day

  66. World Breathing Day

  67. World Hamster Day

  68. Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) Awareness Day

  69. National Dolphin Day

  70. Save the Elephant Day

  71. Bat Appreciation Day

  72. World Hemophilia Day

  73. National Transgender HIV Testing Day

  74. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Action Day

  75. Nonbinary Parents Day

  76. Cannabis Justice Day

  77. Tuna Rights Day

  78. World Curlew Day

  79. Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Awareness Day

  80. Earth Day

  81. International Pallas’s Cat Day

  82. National Lost Dog Awareness Day

  83. World Meningitis Day

  84. World Day for Animals in Laboratories

  85. World Malaria Day

  86. World Penguin Day

  87. International Day of Lesbian Visibility

  88. World Tapir Day

  89. Marine Mammal Rescue Day

  90. International Hyena Day

  91. International Guide Dog Day

  92. Global Pay It Forward Day

  93. World Wish Day

  94. National Siamese Cat Day

  95. Arbor Day

  96. National Animal Advocacy Day

  97. National Therapy Animal Day

  98. World Veterinary Day

  99. Save the Frogs Day.

  100. National Library

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